Three Things Thursday

This week has been flying by just like the past two weeks and looking at the calendar..we’re only 3 weeks from Christmas!

Three Things Thursday

1. Has everyone finished their Thanksgiving leftovers? Thanksgiving was a week ago and we still have dressing left over. I LOVE my mom’s dressing which is an old recipe that really has no instructions only ingredients. You just have to know how to make it by taste. In the past when I lived at home, I was always the taster with my dad because we were the only ones who would eat raw dressing by the bowl full. Now my mom just makes me my own pan of cooked dressing to take home. Scott doesn’t eat it so it was all up to me to eat the entire pan and I managed to consume all but about 1/4 of it. I have to say though, I think I’m done with dressing… at least until next year.

2. I LOVE my new job. This is big for me. While I adored the faculty I worked for in my last job, I just wasn’t happy there any more. But now I am actually excited to get up every morning at commute the hour and half that it takes me to get here. I am perfectly happy coming in early and staying late and I enjoy every second of my very busy days. I have a great office space with a window that I can stare out of and I no longer have a officemate. I should mention though that I really liked the girl I sat next to at my old job. She was a cat person just like me so we bonded immediately. However, I am distracted easily and have found that now that I am in my own space, I work much faster and more efficiently.

3. It is December 1! I feel like I can start thinking about Christmas now. I needed the week off from holidays. I don’t know people can move from Halloween to Thanksgiving to Christmas with no break. I have enjoyed having the apartment back to it’s normal self with no decorations this past week. My co-workers brought out the Christmas decorations here at work today too so I had some fun with everyone and decorated my window.

The penguin is my favorite! I used electrical tape to make the string for the lights but it didn’t work out so well. Maybe I’ll get around to fixing it before Christmas.




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